Hi! It's me, Timuchin.
Download My CV

About Me

A highly proficient Full Stack Developer and problem solver, utilising Agile/SCRUM methodologies.

Over 10 years of technical experience delivering international projects from start to finish, involving multiple stakeholders including offshore partners.

I enjoy working with technology and have a keen eye for balancing business requirements with technical details.

I particularly enjoy working with cross-functional and project-focused teams.

Key Skills

  • Strong problem-solving and time management skills
  • Proficiency in Web UI Development
  • Experience of the full development life cycle
  • Excellent design and coding skills, as well as the ability to convert client requirements into exciting online applications.
  • Agile methodologies
  • Experience with VCS - Bitbucket, Github
  • Experience with CI/CD Pipelines - AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeDeploy
  • Experience with AWS - EC2, S3, RDS
  • API design, publishing, and management
  • PHP Frameworks (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Lumen)
  • Experience in writing code, debugging, bug fixing, requirement analysing, implementing features and user stories
  • Data visualisations and reporting
  • Microservices and distributed architectures
  • Relational databases, MySQL, MsSQL
  • NoSQL Database - MongoDB